King of Your Heart

Rex has finished his training program, passed final testing, and exceeded his training team’s expectations! The only thing they're sad about is that this is their last week with him. They have seen so many improvements in him. At first, he was bewildered by what these humans were doing, but he has grown accustomed to them and become an amazing friend. And that's what this program is all about! It was a pleasure for them to work with Rex, and they looked forward to walking him and petting him every day, and watching him play. He really loves his training team, but his new favorite person will be you! His trainer is jealous because he wishes he could adopt him and have fun with this swell guy forever. Rex is an absolutely perfect specimen. He enjoyed the companionship of other dogs out on the yard and also loves getting attention from people. Rex will be one of the dogs that his trainer will remember the most, and although he doesn't want to part with and he's happy to know that he will now have a forever family that loves him as much as he does.