Little Miss Polly

Things are moving fast with Miss Polly! She is a quick learner, already doing down and stay, and mostly doing excellent heels and waits. Sits, not so much, but those are tricky for greyhounds. They're not her favorite, but she is working diligently on mastering it. She'll sit beautifully in the kennel!  All in all, her trainer is very impressed with her progress. And she's so darn cute! She should be scooped up immediately!

Her trainer is already in love with this dog. She is so sweet and lovable, and it's going to be hard to let her go. She is the smallest one in her class, further enhancing the cuteness. 

The weather is getting nicer and the dogs get to go outside more, which is great. Spring in this part of the world is the best, and to be able to walk a dog in the green grass and blooming flowers is a sweet taste of home for many of the trainers. For Polly's trainer, it's what this program is all about... a second chance...