Playtime Junkie

Week two has come and gone with Ole Hank. He has picked up very well on the bed, kennel and here commands. He has been working on sit all week, and he is starting to pick up on it! Slow and steady always wins the race, and training should always be a positive, fun experience for the hounds. That way, they'll keep learning for years to come! 

Hank and his trainer go out in the big yard with all the other dogs and their humans, and Hank has earned the nickname Big Yard Junkie! He really loves to run, and when they go out on a regular bathroom break, Hank always goes to the gate that leads to the big yard and just stares out at it longingly, then stares back at his trainer with those sweet dinner plate eyes. "Hey, let's go run!" those eyes say!

Hank also loves playtime with his toys and he plays very well. Its really hard to deny Hank of anything, because he's so cute!  His coat color scheme is so beautiful! Especially on his head, with the white stripe going down the middle of his nose, and the way he flops his ears around when he looks at you or is curious about something. 

That's it for now, so tune in next week! Team Hank signing out.