Pampered Pooch

Thee start of another 10 weeks is here!  Hank’s inmate trainer says that he’s excited about the opportunity to train Hank. Hank seems to be adjusting to the new environment really well.  Upon arrival he received a bath, ear cleaning, teeth brushing, and nail clipping and he didn’t seem to mind at all.  He loves being brushed and seemed to go to sleep while his nails were being clipped! 

Hank loves to wander around and check everything out.  He’s been working on the “kennel” and “bed” commands this week and has become quite the little natural at it.  He picks up on things quickly so his inmate trainer believes that this will help make training progress a little faster.  

Hank has discovered toys and loves them!  He slings them from one side of he room to the other, running and jumping to go get it.  His trainer says that it’s like he’s playing fetch all by himself!  His inmate trainer says that he’s really looking forward to the next 9 weeks with Hank!