Excited for a New Life

A new session has begun! A greyhound with the racing name El Chapo, now Quinn, has bulldozed his way into his trainer's life - full steam ahead. It took about a day for Quinn to get over the shock of the move into his new environment, but soon after he arrived, he shed all that quiet timidity and is now fervently exploring every nook and cranny (and smell) of his new world. And he's loving every minute of it!

Quinn goes "down" in his kennel easily and seems relaxed as he watches everyone go by. He and his trainer are in a high traffic area of the dorm, and some dogs can be nervous about that, but he does not mind at all.  He loves to be out of his kennel and in the action. Quinn greets everybody with a friendly, open attitude - especially if you have a treat! His trainer says he's never had a dog before who loves treats right off the bat. He starts his full time training on Monday so we'll see if treat motivation makes for easy training ;)  My guess is yes.

"I'm already in love with Quinn; he is such a good dog," his trainer says. "He's going to make a great companion in ten weeks!"