Sally the Toy Wrangler

You wanna see something funny? Just wait until you see Sally play with a toy - especially if that toy makes noise. Her trainer gets her to sit, or do a down position, then throws the toy for her to pounce all over and bite. What's funny is when she stops playing with it, you grab the toy and act like it is walking away from her or playing keep away on the ground. Do that while you squeeze the squeaker and watch her face - it's like she's wondering, "wait, didn't I just kill you? Why are you still making noise?" And then she pounces on it again!

And if you want some more fun, grab a squeak toy and hold it in your hand under her day bed. Squeak it and ask her "what's that?" Keep squeaking it and she will try to get it! She makes the most priceless expressions. I'd pay big money to find out what she'd be saying if she could talk. 

As far as her training, Sally is getting better with stay. She seems more comfortable staying in a down position than in a standing, which is normal. She's more toy-motivated, so her trainer gets her to stay, walks back several steps, then releases her to get the toy. She responds to leave it for toys as well as treats.

Her "waits" are getting better, too! She can wait at a door and watch her trainer take several steps without budging. She is also learning to use her day bed and lie on it for extended periods of time, so that when you're watching TV or reading on the couch she will be used to lying down next to you. 

Sally knows all of her commands now, and the next several weeks she'll be studying for her final exam. You're gonna be so proud of your new best friend!