A Friend to All

On Fridays the inmate trainers do show-and-tell. They get all the dogs to show what they have learned and how they are progressing. Sally received lots of good compliments from the senior trainers in the program on how well she is doing. She has come a long way in just a few weeks. She is doing a lot better with walking by your side. At first she wanted to walk out in front of you, which you do not want, because then that means they're leading you. You are supposed to lead them. The only time that she likes to pull is when going to the bathroom for potty breaks and when she's in the big yard. She gets excited, which is understandable, and so Sally and her inmate trainer are working on this. When she pulls out in front of him, he gives a slight tug on her leash and tells her “easy” or stops and tells her “heel,” making her come all the way back and standing at his left side before they start to move again.

Sally is a really good girl. She's not an aggressive dog at all and tries to get along with everyone. She likes to nuzzle and lick all the other dogs right in the face and comes up to everyone with her tail wagging. She loves meeting new people and is a very friendly dog.

On her commands, she is doing really well. The more they do them the better she gets. Sometimes she will try you though; she will go into a lazy sit or down and try to get a treat for it. But her trainer doesn't give a treat because she knows how to do it properly. When he has her out on her daybed, he treats her when she first gets on it and lays down. Sometimes she'll stand up, circle a couple of times, and lay back down looking up at you basically wanting a treat. Smart girl! You just have to be careful what you treat and what you don't. She loves all types of treats. It does not matter to her what kind of treat it is as long as it is a treat. She loves food and toys of all kinds.