Groucho is Cool, Calm and Collected

Groucho’s inmate trainer says that he loves Groucho!  He says that Groucho is not only a great dog to train, but is wonderful just to have around.  He says that Groucho is so easy going and takes all things in stride.  For example while in the yard his leash got tangled up around his leg.  Where most dogs would yelp Groucho just looked at his trainer like, Dude a little help here… and waited patiently while the leash was removed.   His inmate trainer says that Groucho seems to accept things and moves on.  

Groucho’s great passion in life is sniffing out new and interesting things.  He loves exploring!  As far as training goes, he continues to do great.  He has all his commands down pat.  He’s a little slow responding to “sit” and “down” but his trainer says not to worry he’ll be responding to those like a pro very soon.