Say Cheese!

Here it is. The end of week 7 and Dolly has made so much progress! She learns exceptionally fast and is always ready to train. Dolly also has a personality that’s out of this world! When she gets around new people, she likes to wag her tail, shake her body, kick her head sideways and smile. Yes. You read it right. This girl actually give you a smile when she is very happy to see you.

Dolly’s trainer is spending a lot of time on the quality of her training and she spends a lot of time showing off just how smart she is. She knows all her basic commands and a list of extras that include: Give, shake, high five, play dead, speak and hoop jump. She can’t wait to show you what she has learned. Her trainer said working with Dolly brings joy to his heart and a big smile to his face. Dolly is one of a kind and he will never forget her.