Adorable Little Needle Nose Girl

It's swap week again at Second Chance Greyhounds Academy!  Swap week is where the trainers exchange dogs for a week.  During that week they test the dogs for separation anxiety and to see if they take commands from other people.  It's also a good test for the trainers as well.

Harper's trainer for the week said she is such a cute, sweet little greyhound.  She performed all of her commands with ease.  Her favorite extra command is speak.  Her eyes light up with excitement when asked to "speak".  Harper is looking forward to "speaking" and telling you all about her prison adventures.  It's all good.

Harper is also very well behaved.  The swap week trainer had no problems with her leash walking or during playtime.  She downs or sits when she sees a toy she wants and gives the toy up quickly when given the command "give it". 

Harper made swap week a breeze, with her sweet and friendly personality.  He is positive she will make her new family very happy.