Beauty, Brains, and Personality

This girl has it all.  Mimi is obviously a beautiful dog, but she's much more than looks alone.  She is a great dog and will be truly missed when she moves onto her forever home.

This girl has brains.  She is super smart and always wants to do the right thing.  She is food, or treat, motivated, and is easily correctable.  For instance, when she first arrived, she got into the cat food.  This only happend one more time, with gentle correction, before she completely stopped even glancing in it's direction not matter how tasty and tempting it was.

Mimi also shows us how smart she is with her command skils.  She has such an exuberant personality and is always eager to explore a new adventure but yet her most proficient comand is "wait".  She can be extremely excited to eat dinner or go for a walk but with just a few, "wait" comands, you can open the door and she'll stand still until you tell her, "let's go". This also comes in handy when leaving for work in the morning.  For some strange reason, she thinks that she wants to go with us, crazy girl.

When it comes to personality, Mimi has a ton of it and is not afraid to show it or share it.  She evenly expresses her feelings and doesn't favor any one memeber of the famly.  And she loves to be around us.  She is not a dog that separates herself from us but instead is always close by.  Whether it's watching tv or doing the laundry, she's never far away and sometimes it actually seems as if she'd help if she could.  If only she had thumbs. I know that's what she's thinking.  You can see it in her eager to please eyes.