Happiness in Abundance

Hey everyone!

Taylor is doing so well. They did stair-climbing again this weekend and of course she did so well. Every time he says good girl, she looks up at him with those sweet honey brown eyes like, “yeah, I'm a retired professional racer. Of course I'm good!”

Taylor is just the sweetest dog. He doesn't know if it's the greyhound breed or just her, but he worked on the down command this weekend and she got it right off the bat, looking cute as a button. She is so smart! Taylor doesn't know what a stranger is and loves everyone. She wants all the attention always, and it's pretty funny to watch her get it. He knows you're going to love this sweet girl and is positive that she’ll love you and everyone in your family. All she wants is to be loved and to be loved on. She can't wait to bring happiness in abundance to her new forever family!