Top Notch Guy

Dear forever family,

Our trainers have just come to the end of swap week and Charlie is about to go back to his primary training team. His swap week trainer is sad to watch him go, but he is happy to have been left with such wonderful memories filled with lots of fun. And his swap week trainer would like to share the highlights with you! He is happy, happy boy and loves to play. He especially loves interacting with people. He is such a sweet dog to love on. His swap week trainer took Charlie through his commands on multiple occasions and has to tell you that he is flawless in almost every aspect. Also, his leash walking skills are top-notch. If he gets ahead of you, he will immediately jump backwards to correct himself. His swap week trainer is grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Charlie, and knows you will also see for yourself, right off the bat, what a wonderful dog he is!