So Much to Do, So Much to See!

This week was essentially a continuation of last week's training and evaluations. Charlie's training team has come to the observational conclusion that Charlie is much easier to train when he is allowed to play and run at least twice a day for about 10 to 15 minutes. After that he’s ready to get down to business (Working hard to master his commands).

A few training videos that his training team have suggested indicate that a tired dog is usually a more well-behaved dog. That goes for greyhounds too. A tired hound is a happy hound.

Charlie has made tremendous amounts of progress since his initial intake. His behavior and general doggy etiquette have improved tremendously and moved in a direction that will make him a great pet and sociable hound. His training should always and constantly be reinforced, but that applies to all dogs, and he is such a wonderful learner that his training team has no doubt that the implementations will stick!