Downtown Spin Boy

Hey everyone! This is Chip again, just here to check in with all of you and tell you how my week was. My training is going really well and I am working on mastering the commands that I know using the hand signals or the spoken command. I do really well with both and can’t wait to show off everything I can do for my new family!

Speaking of that, I can’t WAIT to meet you! We are going to have so much fun playing together and lounging around on the couch taking naps (sorry in advance if I drool on you!). In addition to all the stuff I already know how to do, I have learned how to shake, speak and can catch kibble and toys from the air! Shake doesn’t really make much sense to me; it must be the way human greet each other, but hey, it gets me a tasty treat and loved on so I’m not complaining! I will just have to teach them how to properly greet someone, greyhound style.

Something else I like to do is throw a toy up in the air and catch it again, and I might even add a spin in there if I am feeling festive! I hope you have a great week, and I can’t wait to meet you!