Smooth and Sweet

Welcome back, Chip fans! This is week 5, the halfway mark of the training session. This week I did show-and-tell with my secondary trainer. That's where I get to go up in front of all of the trainers and show them what I can do with someone other than my primary trainer. I did well on all the commands that I've learned so far. This past Sunday, I did stair-climbing again for the second time. I did a lot better the second time going up and down the stairs. I love to perform all of my commands for treats! Since I've been doing so well perfecting my commands for you guys, I'm starting to learn some extras, like shake hands and spin. I can't wait to show you my new tricks!

Here's a little about me - I have a really shiny black coat, my fur is real slick, and I shed very little. When my trainer combs my hair, barely any fur comes off of me. I'm so laid-back and calm. I love to lie on the daybed and get my belly rubbed and just get loved on in general. Come back next week to find out more!