One Smart Boy

Wings got to run in the big yard this week and loves it!  His inmate trainer says that Wings makes a remarkable silhouette against the dawn sky.  His current running mates are two girls dogs.  He says it’s fun to watch them play and have a good time.  

His leash skills have been showing great improvement!  So far he’s only mildly curious about toys, but he’s always excited to get treats!  

His inmate trainer says that it took about 3 weeks to introduce all the basic commands.  Wings knows them all now and performs them very well at Show and Tell.  His trainer believes that it’ll be easy to iron out the details because he’s such a faster learner.  They’ll focus on consistency and treats of course.  

Wing’s inmate trainer says that Wings makes him feel full of hope and inspiration. He said that one evening they were watching TV and Wings rolled onto his back and right off the mat.  He got right back up and put his paw on his knee so she could hold his paw and console his injured pride.  He told Wings not to be embarrassed no one was watching.