From The Track To Training

Josey's inmate trainer says that from the first time he say Josey he knew that this beautiful guy was his canine.  Josey's blue brindle stands out amongst red and other brindle Greyhounds.  

Over the past few days Josey has adjusted well and nothing bothers him.  He walks on the waxed floors without any fear of sliding.  New people have no effect on him nor does the loud floor buffer or vacuum!  Josey has a very laid back personality.  He does get excited over food and toys, but settles easy.  

Josey seems to learn fairly quickly and already has a handle on hurry, let's go, kennel, release, wait, here, sit, down, stay and bed!  

His inmate trainer has no doubt that Josey will be a great dog and addition to some lucky family.