Throw Me a Bone (or two!)

Sally had the final testing on her commands and she passed! It won't be too long until she's all yours. 

Sally has been such a great dog. She's very submissive, so when she plays with other Greyhounds there's no danger of her getting aggressive. Girls just wanna have fun!

This week is gonna be swap week, so Sally is going to be doing her commands and testing for signs of separation anxiety. Sally has shown so far that she is all right with being in her kennel for extended periods of time, and everyone expects her to do really well during swap week. 

She loves Y-shaped bones and rubber bones to chew on while she's in her kennel. Switching them up every other day will keep her happy!

One recommendation for this sweet little gal: get a little treat tote bag you can hang by your side and that way you can reward her with she does something good, and you don't have to go find a treat and THEN come back. Sally does love treats, but she's also very toy motivated - especially if that toy makes noise! They're really useful for getting her to jump into the back of a truck or SUV and also to keep her entertained.

You are going to love having Sally in your life. And next week, you'll find out just how much you'll love her!