Let's Play

Zander's inmate trainer doesn't know what else he can say about this lovable, happy dog.  Zander makes him smile and laugh everyday.  If he's feeling down, all he has to do is take Zander out and play and everything gets washed away.  Zander now plays with his trainer as if he's a dog.  He will get down on all fours and chase each other around.  Zander will pounce all around his trainer with his tail and tongue wagging away!

This week they are working with Zander on "speak", both as a whisper and a regular bark.  He really loves trying out his new voice.  His trainer is also working to teach Zander to "shake".  He knows all of his basic commands.  All verbal and most with hand signals too.  He's a smart boy.

Zander is going to be extremely missed by his trainer.   He is happy for whoever adopts this sweet boy.  Zander is going to make his forever family smile everyday.