Pretty Miss Pyper

Hey everybody! You might not know me yet, but this is Pyper here. I'm all settled in so I figured I would drop you a line. This place is great! I have an entire team of humans that love me and cater to my every need, and they're teaching me lots of cool stuff, too.

When I arrived, I immediately got a shower, de-ticking and a mani-pedi! I was then shown to my new flat, with a great location and view of the water bowl, food bin and the training room.

Speaking of training, I've almost got my team up to speed. They are smart cookies and so am I, so it shouldn't take much time at all. We train several times a day, and it's easy-peasy: jump, sit, down, yadda yadda. My primary trainer is really sweet - he sleeps right next to my flat just in case I need anything, and makes sure I am always happy, loved on and fed. I even have a cleaning service!

My favorite part of being here is in the evening when we go into the big room; I get to lie on a bed and watch TV with my main guy while all the other humans come by and show me lots of love. I'm so pampered here - it's great!

Well, that's all for now... lotsa love!