A Bright Future

Well, it has been another exciting week working with Pyper.  She did an awesome job on her final testing.  She passed her commands with flying colors, and also did well with toy etiquette and feeding routine.

Pyper is an acute, brilliant dog and a sheer joy to have around according to her trainer.  She will make an excellent pet.  Pyper’s family can look forward to a bright future with her. She has a subtle demeanor plus a wonderful personality.

Love Those Ears!

Hello everyone! This week was swap week. This is where all the primary trainers swap dogs in order to test for several different things, such as how they respond to change in routine, location of their environment and how they respond to new people when it comes to commands and their overall behavior.

Pyper’s swap week trainer said he only needed about a day and a half to fall in love with her. She had no problems adjusting to the changes at all. She knows all her 13 basic commands and performed them for her swap week trainer very well, and she showed no signs of separation anxiety. He also said she is a very beautiful greyhound with the most adorable ears on the planet! Pyper is extremely affectionate and he had a great time with her. She is going to make a wonderful addition to some lucky family. Are you that lucky someone?

Completely Adorable!

It’s been another productive week for Pyper!  She has had an exciting week and is still progressing with each day!  She’s still very food motivated and loves attention and praise!  Her inmate trainer says that she enjoys learning new things and doesn’t mind showing off her skills.  They’re currently working on learning how fun bed sharing can be.  Who knew treats were involved in that too!  

Her inmate trainer says that she’s smart and completely adorable.  Her forever family will certainly find her hard to resist!

Love Bug!

Pyper has really become a little love bug! She loves affection. Her trainer doesn’t think she gets tired of petting or attention. She has a favorite activity: TV time. Pyper loves to lay on her bed next to her trainer and watch tv. All the while getting unlimited amounts of petting of course. Don’t worry, if you get too caught up in the show and stop petting her, she will reach out with her paw to remind you she’s still there. it’s too cute.

There’s no place Pyper would rather be than the center of attention. Everyone in the dorm loves her. She basks in the love and attention, as everyone stops by to scratch an ear or give her a tummy rub. She’s so sweet. Her trainer said she is the most precious dogs he’s trained and knows you will just love her. She’s simply amazing.

Happy-go-lucky Gal

Pyper has been progressing steadily every day! She is a kind and gentle dog who is wonderful to be around. She is intelligent and so teachable; she loves to be petted and praised, and especially enjoys eating food, both regular meals and special treats. Pyper is very food-motivated, so keep that in mind when you want her to do (or stop doing) something!

Pyper is an adorable greyhound with a stunning face and incredible soul. She’s eager to please and has a positive attitude about learning, carrying herself with joy and bringing fun and love everywhere she goes all of the time. Until next week – catch ya later!

Blossoming Personality

Pyper has had a busy week. She has really started to get comfortable at Jenkins, so she has begun to show her personality a bit more. Her trainer just loves her! She is so sweet and loves attention and affection.

This week was stair training and she conquered them with ease. Pyper’s trainer also had some of the other trainers take her through her commands and she responded very well. She has been really amazing and knows all the basic commands. Pyper will be a master of all of them before long. Her trainer loves her and you will too.

Pretty Miss Pyper

Hey everybody! You might not know me yet, but this is Pyper here. I'm all settled in so I figured I would drop you a line. This place is great! I have an entire team of humans that love me and cater to my every need, and they're teaching me lots of cool stuff, too.

When I arrived, I immediately got a shower, de-ticking and a mani-pedi! I was then shown to my new flat, with a great location and view of the water bowl, food bin and the training room.

Speaking of training, I've almost got my team up to speed. They are smart cookies and so am I, so it shouldn't take much time at all. We train several times a day, and it's easy-peasy: jump, sit, down, yadda yadda. My primary trainer is really sweet - he sleeps right next to my flat just in case I need anything, and makes sure I am always happy, loved on and fed. I even have a cleaning service!

My favorite part of being here is in the evening when we go into the big room; I get to lie on a bed and watch TV with my main guy while all the other humans come by and show me lots of love. I'm so pampered here - it's great!

Well, that's all for now... lotsa love!

Brains & Beauty

Pyper is quite the smarty pants. Her trainer can’t believe how quickly she catches on to whatever you ask of her. She is very intuitive and eager to please. She has picked up on every command her trainer has tried to teach her. She will have all the basic commands mastered in no time.

Pyper is not only smart she’s quite the looker. Everyone that meets Pyper says how beautiful she is. Pyper is also very relaxed and calm most of the time. She has a very sweet demeanor and her trainer thinks she will make the perfect pet. Someone has really gotten lucky to adopt this girl!

Amazing Girl

Pyper is an amazing girl. She’s so sweet and smart! She started off skittish, but has adjusted very well and is beginning to come out of her shell more and more every day. Her training is going very well and her trainer thinks she will conquer her commands in no time.

Pyper has quickly become a favorite in the dorm, which is fine by her. She loves all the attention and treats. Pyper is always looking for new friends, both dogs and humans alike. it’s only week two and her trainer already loves her so much! This is going to be a great session!

Expressive Ears

Pyper is settling in nicely. She is a little shy, but has become more lively as she gets accustomed to her new surroundings. Pyper is a bright girl and picks up very quickly. Her trainer believes training will be a breeze with her.

You are going to love Pyper. She is a sweet girl with the cutest expressive ears. Her trainer is looking forward to the ten weeks of training. It’s going to be a lot of fun. Stay tuned for further updates!