Friendly Gal

Hey everyone! It's been a pretty relaxing week for Olivia. She and her trainer have mostly just been working on reinforcing the commands that she already knows and doing a little bit more work on play dead. She picked up on play dead very easily, just like she did with everything else, so now it's added to her extras list. She also had a couple play dates on the small yard with her classmates Aspen Sunset and his brother Aspen Snow Storm. She really enjoys having a friend to play with and it has helped her open up and enjoy playing so much more. It is great to see her become more and more playful every day; she can still be very uneasy around new things and unsure of herself sometimes, but she has made great progress. She really finds comfort in having a companion, whether it's a person or another dog. One of her favorite things to do is go around and greet everyone!

She also loves learning new tricks, but that may just be because she gets a reward. She has started walking around the dorm with her alternate trainer this week and should have him leashed trained in no time. Well, that's all for this week. Check back later!