Your Next Best Friend

Week two has been a good week with Ruby.  She has adapted to her new environment at the prison and is understanding that she can receive rewards/treats for obeying simple commands.  She is very treat/food motivated. so training should go smoothly.  Ruby is grasping the concept of the basic commands that have been introduced so far.  She knows "heel", "here", "stay", and "bed" well.  Her trainer is now working on "sit" and "down".  The "sit" position can be uncomfortable for a Greyhound and Ruby was no exception, but now she's getting the hang of it.  Good girl, Ruby.

Ruby is a sweet, cute, mellow girl and takes a nap like a pro in her kennel.  She gets excited to eat, run and for squeaky toys, but calms easily.  Her trainer says Ruby has been great and is making his experience with her very enjoyable.  She is going to make a great companion for any home environment.