Get Ready To Fall In Love

This past week was swap week.  Swap week is where all the trainers swap dogs for a week to make sure they take commands from others and to see if they have any separation anxiety.  This trainer had the pleasure of having Trigger for the week.  He had to tip his hat to his primary trainer.  Trigger does all of his commands with no problems and he does them with enthusiasm that would rival that of a kid in a candy shop on free lollipop Wednesday's.  LOL

Swap week is also usually a time spent missing their own dog/best friend.  That was true in this case, but the blow as softened by Trigger's infectious, loving personality.  His swap week trainer found himself enjoying every minute he got to spend with Trigger.  Trigger is a true, one of a kind, that will steal your heart the instant you meet him.  Get ready to fall in love...