The Importance of Being Ernest

Our boy Alan Alda has a new name: Ernest! His trainer is happy to report that he has taken to his new name very well and is responsive. Week two is off to a good start, and so far they have been focusing on the basics like leash-walking, wait, heel, kennel, hurry, let’s go, and bed. It seems like a lot for just one week but most of these commands work in conjunction with one another, and the rest are interspersed throughout the remainder of the session. The big stuff, like sit, down, and jump will come later over the next few weeks.

Ernest is a truly great dog – he is smart, sweet and full of loving energy. There are no signs of aggression whatsoever and he loves everybody he meets. He already has a great bond with his trainer and has adjusted very well to Jenkins. All signs point to having a great time with Ernest – and his trainer is looking forward to every minute of it!