Hide And Seek

Lily's inmate trainer says that Lily must have been a circus dog in a past life!  She knows all of her basic commands an seems to enjoy doing silly fun tricks the best!  He's been working to wean her off the treat reward so keeping it fun for her has been important.  Lily loves to learn so they've added a new trick to her already impressive resume, "who's a brave dog."  For this trick Lily is sitting or standing in front of her trainer then he asks "who's a brave dog" and Lily will run behind him and put her head between his legs and look up at him like, I don't know who is?  How cute is that!!??

This week they've also spent time getting in touch with their inner child learning how to play Hide and Seek! He calls her name the entire time he hides and she loves trying to find him!  He says, who would of ever thought that he'd be playing Hide and Seek in prison with a wonderful, smart, funny dog like Lily!  He believes that she is going to make a great addition to a loving family and he will never forget their time together.