Toys! Training! Treats! Love!

Like a spring flower, Lily is beginning to open up and show everyone how beautiful she is!  Her inmate trainer says that she is showing more interest in toys.  She has a wishbone shaped Nyla Bone that she likes to chew on.  Her favorite game of late is making a toy squeak under a blanket or bed!  She goes nuts trying to dig and get it out!

This week Lily had a lesson in science first taught by Sir Issac Newton - what goes up must come down.  While running in the big yard Lily decided to try flying and jumped through the air over both another dog and the large Jolly Ball!  Thankfully she came away with only a small cut on the inside of her leg and hopefully a new found respect for gravity!  

She is doing all of her basic commands and they are working to polish up her extra commands as well.  Her inmate trainer says that Lily continues to impress him with her high intelligence.  He says that he's so very proud of this amazing girl.  

Her inmate trainer says that Lily is helping him experience love again.  He says that the hardest part of prison and not allowing yourself to show emotions and this program has given him an important outlet.  Besides, who's heart wouldn't melt over a cute dog who gives so much love?  He says that he is only playing a role in saving Lily's life, but she is playing a role in saving his life as well.