One Little Cricket

This week while exploring Lily came upon one lonely cricket.  At first it seemed to be an instant friendship with Lily doing her play bow and chasing the jumping little guy around.  Her inmate trainer settled in to watch the cute play date.  Well, it didn't last long.  Lily decided that instead of using the cricket as a toy that it would serve a better purpose by spending time in her belly.  Before he could stop her the poor cricket was down the hatch. It didn't take long for her to spit it out with a look of disgust on her face! He says that Lily loves to eat, but judging on her reaction cricket is not listed on her fine dining menu anymore. 

She continues to do well with training.  She goes up and down stairs without a problem and her recall is amazing!  She will recall from 100 ft with no problem! 

Next week is swap the hound week where Lily will get to spend some time with an alternate trainer, no doubt wowing him with all her tricks.  She will learn to accept commands from new people and get to experience a new environment away from her primary trainer. Her trainer is going to miss her, but knows she’s going to impress everyone she meets.