Oh my - I just realized it's been many, many, months since I posted here on our blog!!  I have no excuse except I've been really busy adopting Greyhounds and helping Second Chance Greyhounds prosper and grow.  We are over a year and a half old and continue to grow by leaps and bounds, although we are still a small group which makes it really nice!!

Let's see if I can accurately recap events and happenings over the last few months!  In April, a few of us participated in the Georgia Renaissance Festival in Fairburn, Georgia where we dressed the part as the caretakers of the King's "hunting hounds".  Yes, our Greyhounds were present, too.  We had so much fun talking to the villagers about Greyhound adoption and of course, we were such a hit with the King and Queen and their court.  We definitely plan to participate again in the Spring.  This fall we will participate in the Carolina Renaissance Festival, however, the dates we will be there are not known at this time.  To see some pictures of our experience at the GARenFest, please visit our online photo gallery.

The end of April we attended the Atlanta Steeplechase where we had a very large tent complete with a very lavish table display of wonderful appetizers to compliment the delightful day, despite the wet conditions.  We look forward to attending again next Spring and pray for clear, warm weather!!  Click here to see some pictures from this event.  We had an awesome time!

The day after we attended the Taste of Marietta where we chatted up Greyhound adoption and Second Chance Greyhounds with crowds of people.  We had a fabulous time at this event and look forward to our participation next year.  Wow, I've never seen so many people crowded into such an area before!  Really worth the effort though!  Here are pictures!

In May we had another group of Greyhounds graduate from the prison foster program.  Most were adopted before ever leaving the prison which is really nice because they went directly into their forever homes.  We do have one lone boy left from that class, Crenshaw Rayford, who is a gorgeous red fawn who isn't cat tolerant or small dog tolerant but is a wonderful, playful Greyhound who wants his own family to love!!  He is currently in foster care and is doing extremely well.  He will be at future Meet & Greets so if you are interested in meeting him, please visit our Events page to see where we will be next!!

We also participated in the Taste of Douglasville in May, this marking our second appearance here!  Several regulars recognized us and made a point to stop by which was way cool!  This year was definitely different than last year because last year the festival had to be cancelled early in the day because of heavy rain.  It was truly like a monsoon!!  Here are some pictures from this year's event.  We had such a great time.  This is fast becoming a "must attend" festival for area residents!

June was relatively quite, except for a few M&Gs at pet boutiques around Atlanta - Hot Dogs & Cool Cats (pictures here) and another new store, The Good Dog Company (pictures here).  Both of these stores are awesome!  The Good Dog Company specializes in wholistic food, treats, and even toys and is fast becoming a favorite in the Kennesaw area.  Hot Dogs & Cool Cats has made it's name in the grooming department, I think, and has a wonderful selection of food, treats, toys and goodies for the smaller pups!

July 4th we were at the Peachtree Road Race cheering on the human racers.  What fun it is to be there to see 50,000+ runners heading south on Peachtree Road.  It is quite a sight!  Even though our crowd wasn't large, the few of us who braved the early wake up call to be there really did have a great time.  I hope more folks will come out next year!  It's truly worth it!  Pictures are here!

The remainder of July was spent promoting Second Chance Greyhounds in other ways, such as our new 2011 PlayGrey Calendar featuring our Greyhounds "pin up" style.  You will love this calendar and I urge you to purchase yours today as quantities are limited.  Once sold out, that's it until 2012!!

We were also busy preparing to ship off ten retired Greyhounds to the prison to start their training.  They actually left this morning and should arrive at the prison any minute.  We are excited to be able to send ten down this time and what a great bunch of dogs we have!!  You can follow their progress by checking out their blogs in the next few weeks.  They will graduate October 7th but won't come home to Atlanta until October 14th due to scheduling conflicts.  How exciting!! 

August 20-21 we will participate in the Pigs & Peaches Festival being held at Adams Park and the Ben Robertson Community Center in Kennesaw.  This another great festival - we hope to see you there!  I'm not sure of our booth location at this time but you won't be able to miss us.  We'll have Greyhounds there and a crowd around our booth, I'm sure!

I should mention every Greyhound adopted from Second Chance Greyhounds from August on, will be microchipped and automatically registered with the HomeAgain Pet Recovery Service.  This is so exciting and we are happy to now be able to offer this extra little "perk" to our future adopters.  For those who have adopted from us in the past (and other Greyhound owners as well), we will be holding a microchipping clinic Saturday, September 11th, from 1-3 p.m. at Hiram Animal Hospital.  More details will be announced soon or feel free to check our Events page in September for details.

Whew - you see, we have been really busy!!  I plan to blog regularly from this point forward . . . I promise!  Until then, have a wonderful day!