Goofy And Loving

The more Cutty comes out of his shell the more curious he becomes.  Even when he is unsure of something he perks up his ears and musters up the courage to investigate.  His inmate trainer says that this is great progress from when Cutty arrived and preferred to hide in his fortress of solitude, otherwise known as his kennel. 

Cutty’s love of being scratched behind his ears and to be loved on is insatiable!  For this reason his inmate trainer has taught him the visit and show me love commands.  Cutty will lay his head on your chest then stare into your eyes while you love on him.  His inmate trainer says he’s not sure who enjoys it more him or Cutty! 

The rest of training is going really well.  Cutty still needs a little more with the stay command, but he’ll get the hang of it.  Besides, sitting is harder for Greyhounds with all those muscles! 

Cutty is very frolicsome with his toys nowadays.  He will toss them in the air and shake them with a furry that would rival a hurricane!  This is followed by some prancing around until he finally retires to his kennel to stash the toy for enjoyment later. 

Cutty’s inmate trainer says that he is the perfect balance of goofy and loving!