Mr. Lovable

Cutty’s training is starting to pick up steam!  Not only has be become completely comfortable with his surroundings he has also grasped the concept of learning!  His inmate trainer has taken advantage of Cutty’s new found confidence by adding a few more extras to his growing list of tricks! 

Since Cutty loves people and having his head and neck scratched his inmate trainer has taught him the visit command.  Pat your lap and say “visit” and Cutty will quickly place his head and neck on your leg for scratches and rubs!  He now speaks on command, but his inmate trainer says that his bark is a little dainty for a boy with a five o’clock shadow on his muzzle! 

Cutty has discovered toys!  He loves to toss them in the air and catch them.  His inmate trainer says that this is a big improvement over the dishrag! 

Cutty can be a bit on the stubborn side, but somehow manages to make it an endearing quality.  His inmate trainer says that Cutty is a lovable guy who’s a lot of fun.  His inmate trainer can’t wait to see what they learn next!