A New Man, er, Dog!

Gone are the days of Cutty being unsure of his surroundings.  He has now entered his rebellious teenage years.  His inmate trainer knows this because he has grown very independent and, at times, has a strangely endearing air of stubbornness.  He no longer runs and hides at strange sounds but prefers to put on his big dog pans and investigate.  Just like most teenagers, Cutty prefers to play rather than learn.  So, his inmate trainer uses the same system he uses with his own son which involves lots of homework first, then playtime afterwords.  This seems to work well with Cutty as long as his inmate trainer keeps the training sessions short and fun, which is what is recommended anyway! 

Too much training and Cutty looses interest.  But who can blame him?  His inmate trainer would also rather play with a duck that has rope legs and squeaks than do classwork all day. 

So, with lots of patience, sprinkled with treats and some creativity, we have found a formula that allowed Cutty to learn in a fun, positive way, and still lets him be that wild, spunky, curious dog that everyone here has grown to love.

Speaking of love, Cutty has an appetite for love that would rival that of a Sumo wrestler.  He will go from person to person doing his "visit" command, thus allowing them to love him and scratch behind his ears, until he decides its time for someone else to get the same opportunity. 

One thing about him, he doesn't play favorites.  Everyone is provided the same opportunity and everyone gets his love! 

Extra commands Cutty has learned include "bow", "kiss", "speak", "visit", "bounce", "show me love", "pick up your toys".