On My Way Home!

Hey gang! Buddy here with another sneak peek into another super awesome week. I survived swap week and now I'm back at home with my main dude. When I got back, I was greeted with toys! How cool is that?   Now I get to clown around with my new toys.

I hope the next place I go is as cool as it is here - everyone is so nice here! Well, as they say, I'll see you on the other side... in my forever home!

Big Ole Teddy Bear

Swap week was not a problem for Buddy.  His alternate trainer for the week said there was no whining, barking or separation anxiety out of this sweet boy.  He said Buddy reminds him of a teddy bear.  Put him on a day bed and he will get comfortable there for hours.  He loves to be petted, rubbed and showered with attention.  Buddy's a very loving greyhound.  

He does all of his commands; especially for food.  Buddy loves food and gets excited when it's feeding time and outside playtime.   He is very good at "down", "bed" and "stay".  "Down and "bed" he will do on his own at chow time.  Anything he can do to speed up the feeding process.   Talk about a happy dog at that time:)

Buddy is going to make you smile and laugh.  You are going to enjoy having him in your life and home.  


You "Spin" Me Right Round, Baby

Hi Buddy here to let you know I’ve had another successful week in the program!  My inmate trainer continues to review all commands with me to keep things fresh.  My newer command “spin” is going really well.  It’s actually really cute and impressive!  

We’ve been talking about this graduation and forever home stuff.  It sounds pretty amazing.  My inmate trainer says that I’m gonna have all this soon.   A place to call home and humans to give me treats, fluffy beds, and dog toys!  I’m pretty excited.  I’ll tell ya that!  


Buddy, Professor of Naps

Hey guys! Well, this week has been a pretty uneventful one for me. I'm just so smart that going through my commands have been a breeze.  I know them all like the back of my paw.  I even know them with hand signals.  Told you I was smart!  I even know my extra commands very well.  "Spin, "give" and "bow".  I can't wait to show you everything I've learned here.  These guys have been great!  Oh, I forgot, one new thing I've learned this week is what spot on my bed is the most comfortable! You know we love our naps!!  Come back next week to see what shenanigans I get into!

Spin Buddy Spin!

Hi there!  Buddy here checking in for the week.  All continues to go well here at training camp.   My inmate trainer is responding well to my requests for treats.  I’ve started a new “spin” command and my trainer has learned to give me treats for being so cute.

My inmate trainer is doing well with giving me commands both verbally and with hand signals.  Hurry and Let’s Go I know best verbally, but am working with my trainer on the hand signal part.  The best part of all of this is the treats!  I get to have fun as well.  Fun and food you just can’t beat that!  



Little Charmer

Well, after letting my trainer write a blog, I am back. And I hope he wrote great things about me because I am the best Greyhound ever! Well, I figured out this week that if I do extra commands my trainer will give me even more treats. This week I have been eating like a champ because of it. I bow a couple of times coming out of the kennel for treats, and he also wants me to "spin" for reasons that I cannot discern, but I get treats for it. I truly lead a charmed life. I don't know who is adopting me, but I hope they have lots of treats for me! I can't wait to charm their pants off. Until next week, see you later!

Giving Toys a Try

After many weeks, Buddy has let his trainer write a blog about him. As a primary trainer, he can tell you that it has been fun training him. They had a slow start at first, but lately he has picked up speed. At first, he wasn't into treats or toys. He has picked up on both of them now! Now, some treats he will only eat one at a time. He enjoys toys but really loves playing with other greyhounds here. This week, they got new comfortable beds and Buddy has been enjoying his. He has become slower getting up from his comfortable bed, and who wouldn't?

Buddy is such a great greyhound, and this guy loves to run. When his trainer takes him to the big yard, he has to get him to stand beside him. If his trainer walks with him, he walks on the back of his shoes because he is paying attention to all the other greyhounds running, waiting for his turn to run. Buddy is just cuter and sweeter by the day and he's going to make such a great addition to your family!

National Treasure

Woo! Hey guys, here is another week in my life. If you don't know by now, my name is Buddy and I came to this strange place a couple of weeks ago. My trainer calls it prison, and I don't like that name but I'm getting used to it. I'm improving every day with  these things called commands that my teacher keeps trying to get me to do. He wants me to work a lot and I like to run or play with toys too.  Does he not know that all work and no play makes me a dull greyhound.  LOL.  

I had a dream the other night of running freely in a big yard after being adopted by the coolest family ever. Hopefully, soon my dream will come true very very soon! Well, I'm off to my land of dreams. Until next week... Later!

The Word Of The Week.... "Sit"

Hello my fellow followers!  I'm back again to give you an update on how my week went.  My trainer's word of the week was "sit".  I had to hear it over and over and over again.  I heard it so much that I even heard it in my sleep!  I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.  My trainer would put his hand behind my back legs to make me sit, and he gave me treats every time I did it.  How cool is that?  He says I'm getting better and better at it.

I also got to go into this room and play with toys that make a lot of noise.  I liked that part.  My trainer says I'm doing good with my commands.  I already know hurry, wait, release, here, stay, bed and heel.  Pretty good, huh?  Maybe I need to get me a sign made up that says, "Will work for treats!"  I'm all about the treats!

Well that's all for now.  Buddy out!

A New Life

Hey guys! It's Buddy here and I want to invite you into my life this week. Well, things were strange and new for me. I was loaded up and taken to a new home. It was scary at first, but I'm starting to adjust. I have a new person taking care of me, who I guess is my trainer? He has fed me a lot and brought out toys for me to play with. For now, it seems as if this place will be different but a lot of fun. I'm ready to see how my next week will turn out. Until then, later peeps!