Princess Emmy

At the beginning of the week Emmy has still having a little trouble with “sit,” and “heel,” but by the end of the week she was sitting 80% of the time!  She’s heeling about 65% so she’s shown great improvement in a short amount of time!  Her inmate trainer says that it’s important to keep Emmy’s training short and sweet.  She’s all on board when it’s fun, but can get a little sidetracked from time to time.  Her inmate trainer says that it’s clear that Emmy is royalty.  She’s a princess through and through! 

Get In Line For Love From Emmy!

Emmy is such a sweetheart! When she and her trainer go visit people in the day area, she will go to one person for affection and when they are done, she’s on to the next one in line to get love from. There’s always plenty of people who get in line for love from Emmy!

Training is going well. She knows her basic commands, but needs improvement on heel, sit and stay. Her trainer is working extra hard with Emmy on these 3. She does like to show her stubborn side. LOL Her trainer said Emmy is going to make a great sidekick!

Easy To Love

Emmy has had a good week!  She does really well with her kennel and is her favorite roaching place.  She loves to play and run around with toys, which is completely adorable!  She is doing really well with her commands, but responds a little slower with heel and sit.  Her inmate trainer says that she enjoying her time with this sweet girl.  Emmy is an energetic girl who is easy to love.  

Cutie Pie

Iceni Arasha AKA Emmy is doing great! She had her bath on day 1 and decided to lay down inside the tub during her bath. She didn’t mind the ear cleaning too much. She enjoyed her teeth brushing and did fine with her nail trim. She seems to be settling in very well.

Emmy is very sweet and she loves to receive affection. She does well in her kennel. She doesn’t whine or bark, but likes to dig and throw her pillows around, but will stop after being corrected. Her trainer can’t wait to see her progress over the next 9 weeks!