Collecting All Toys

Three weeks left in the program and Jules starts coming out of his shell and he plays with toys now!  He prefers to collect them in his kennel and lay on top of them.  His inmate trainer says that maybe Jules thinks he is part chicken and the toys are his eggs!   

His inmate trainer says that he forgot to latch Jules’s crate since Jules goes in and closes his own door.  He walked away leaving Jules in his closed crate returning a couple of hours later to find that Jules had let himself out stolen his inmate’s shirt and hat to lay on then shut the door behind himself as if nothing happened!

Training is still progressing nicely.  Since Jules likes the “kiss” command so they start with it as it helps Jules feel successful right off the bat.  They work their way into some of the other commands he likes such as “heel” or “here” while throwing in a few that he’s slow to respond to like “sit,” “down,” or “stay.” 

Jules is a guy who will let you know if he feels that something is out of place.  It’s just his way of saying; hey take a second look at this!  He’s a shy guy, but didn’t seem to have any problems being away from his primary trainer.  Oh, and one more important bit of information - his favorite scratch spot is under his chin!