One Comical Guy

Jules’s inmate trainer says that if he had to compare Jules to a movie character he would choose Paul Bart from Mall Cop.  Jules is a big, goofy, comical guy who is ever vigilant to safety and security.  His inmate trainer says that Jules has this look where he holds his head at a tilt with ears flopped forward and you’d swear that his eyes have crossed!  It’s highly enduring and always funny!

His training is progressing slowly, but really well.  They keep training short and simple to help build Jules’ confidence.  Jules is a shy guy until he’s outside then it’s all open mouthed smiles, curly tail up and wagging with happiness!  Seems like Jules just doesn’t like the loud environment of prison life and prefers the calmer outdoor atmosphere.  His inmate trainer believes that he will excel in a home environment.

As mentioned before, Jules will let out a bark at people he is unsure of.  His inmate trainer says that he is grateful for his time with Jules during the transition from professional racer to loving family member.