Chasing The Ball

Hello humans!  Fable here trying my paw at this blog stuff.  My inmate trainer tells me that these blogs help you get to know me and keep up with my training adventures.  

So, no question about it I’m beautiful.  Just wanted to get that out of the way to make sure we were on the same page.  So I used to race for a living now I’m doing this training gig.  My inmate trainer tells me I’ll be graduating soon!  (I’m not sure what that is.  I tried to took it up, but couldn’t turn the pages in the dictionary very well with my paws so I’m still clueless.)  Anyway, he makes it sound pretty awesome.  I’ll show off my skills to the SCG folks and get this nifty certificate thingy and go to an amazing forever home filled with food, love, toys and more food!  I kinda wish I’d heard about this retirement thing a long time ago!  

Okay, okay, training… I’ve been learning some pretty nifty stuff like sit, stay, bed, down, etc.  I will say that humans can be awful confusing.  Why just last week they laid out this spread of temptation on the table.  What’s a girl to do but check it out, right? Well my inmate trainer tells me it was to help me learn not to counter surf or steal food. It’s about respecting human meal time.  I can understand and respect that.  

So this week I got to play with this Frisbee thing.  It’s awesome when it’s flying around in the air, but I lost interest when it landed - it’s nowhere near as cool as a ball. Speaking of ball throwing, three inmate trainers thought it’d be fun to toss the ball between the them so us Greys could chase the ball around.  BAAHAAA you shoulda seen the looks on their faces when like six of us rushed the ball heading straight for them!  Oh it was great fun as those dudes learned to hand that ball off fast! 

Silly men! Us Greyhounds will always win at that game!