Star Student

For those who are keeping track of Fable's progress report, she has been getting all "A's".  This week they worked on something that is very important in the home environment and that is counter surfing.  It's doubtful anyone wants a dog who steals food off the table.  So, they have been baiting a table in the training room with enticing dog treats and human food.  Then, the training part. This is where they walk Fable past the table and each time she would attempt to grab something off the table, her inmate trainer would snap the leash and tell her "leave it" in a firm, commanding tone. The would practice this several times, on leash. Then, the true test- letting Fable approach off leash. She would continue to attempt to take the food.  So, another approach was implemented.  This time, they would take a metal food dish and clank it against another metal food dish, thus creating a loud noise.  This creates a negative response in Fable's mind that is directly associated with her trying to steal the food.  After three attempts, she then left the food on the table alone.  With her inmate trainer in the room or out of the room. 

She continues to take treats from him, and eats out of the same metal bowls but the counter surfing issue has been resolved. You can now simply say "leave it" and she will do as directed.

She is such a good Greyhound. Her inmate trainer is thrilled for her new family who will soon be able to enjoy this sweet girl!