Master Yoda

Yoshi's inmate trainer said his training time went by way too quickly.  Yoshi is a fun loving dog that loves running, chasing toys and other high energy activities while off leash, but snaps back quickly into being a calm, cool and collective greyhound when the leash goes back on. His inmate trainer says if his dogs were Jedi, Yoshi would be the master Yoda of the K-9 world. The force is strong in this wonderful boy!  

Yoshi aced his test. He's knows all his command and his extras like the back of his paw!  He's going to be a super pet for someone special.

As graduation approaches, Yoshi's inmate trainer looks forward to the next greyhound he will be training, but not a day will go by that he won't look back to his fond memories of Yoshi.  He hopes he finds all the love he deserves.  He will miss his four-legged friend and wishes him luck in his new forever home.