Training A Cutie Pie

Lilly's inmate trainer says that anyone who does not believe in the old adage "love at first sight" has obviously never laid eyes on Lilly!  Her inmate trainer has no doubt that some loving family will years of enjoyment from spoiling her when they fall victim to her unbelievably cute face!

Lilly has taken to prison life better than most.  She has no problem meeting new people and is quick to wag her tail.  She has no problem eating all of her food at feeding time.  She even has the attitude of a woman who is comfortable with her figure and asks for seconds, to which her inmate trainer respectfully declines.

Lilly goes potty on the leash like a champ and her trainer uses the command "hurry" and she takes care of business like a good girl.  It has only been a few days, but training is starting off great!  She has already learned kennel, wait, heel, hurry, and let's go.  

Her inmate trainer says that it's easy for him to see that they are both going to come out of this forever changed and happier at the end of their time together. Try as he might to build walls up so that he does not get attached Lilly's loving personality is going to tear down those walls and earn a spot in his heart forever.  Truth be told.... that'd be just fine with him.