You Got Toys? I Got Training Time!

Fable is doing really well with training!  She has a basic understanding of most all of the commands.  She needs a little more work with “sit” and “down,” but her inmate trainer knows that she’ll have these down pat in no time!  As a matter of fact, she actually managed a full “sit” on her own this week!  Her inmate trainer wants to keep training fun and stimulating for Fable so they only work for about 15 minutes before taking a break.  

Fable loves squeaky toys and gets to enjoy a good round of play after training.  She absolutely loves the ball that squeaks.  She even enjoys playing with a non-squeaky ball in the big yard.  Her inmate trainer says that she could have been a soccer player with the way she uses her nose and muzzle to move that ball all over the place!  He says that it seems like she’s playing keep away from the other dogs even going around, over, and even under some of the dogs to get the ball! Even with all this love of toys she doesn’t seem to mind sharing the toys.  

Her inmate trainer is working with her on her leash skills.  She gets a little over eager to get to where she’s going and pulls a bit on the leash, but her inmate trainer believes that in time she’ll get the hang of proper leash manners.