One Handsome Boy

Just a little over a week has passed since Cutty made his grand entrance.  After a few hearty meals and a good scrubbing he has turned out to be quite the handsome man! Cutty’s confidence is growing daily, but he’s still not a fan of sudden loud noises and doesn’t like to be alone.  Cutty loves people and has yet to meet a stranger.  He hasn’t shown any interest in toys, well, he will play with a wash cloth.  His inmate trainer is not sure what that’s about. 

Cutty’s training is starting to pick up steam.  His attention span is short so his inmate trainer is working to make it fun.  They work on easy commands like kiss and bow to help boost Cutty’s confidence. 

His inmate trainer is looking forward to the weeks ahead and knows that the days are going to be fun and rewarding!