Conyers Cherry Blossom Festival

This past weekend we were at the Conyers Cherry Blossom Festival promoting the Greyhounds of SCG.  We had a fabulous weekend chatting with prospective adopters.  I think about 1,000 people stopped at our booth to talk about and pet the Greyhounds. 

It's funny - the majority of the folks I spoke with had dogs at home already.  Okay, that isn't the funny thing, but the fact that 98% of them were Chihuahua's, now that IS funny and very interesting, as well!  Another observation  . . . . I probably saw about 20 children on leashes.  You know the kind that look like a harness but there is a leash on the back for the parent.  I haven't seen a leash on a child in years and I go to many a festival for Second Chance Greyhounds.  Again, just an interesting observation. 

And the last most interesting thing was a comment a man made or rather it was a question he posed.  He asked me, "After the Greyhounds are done racing, what good are they?"  Obviously, I was so stunned that words escaped me.  I'm not certain how I responded but those of us who know Greyhounds, know that they are wonderful dogs and wonderful pets with great personalities.  And as we continue to host various Meet & Greets throughout the year, we will continue to educate the public on the merits of owning a former racing Greyhound.  His question really just reiterated to me that our work is far from being over! 

On a more happier and funnier note, one child wanted to give his Mom's dog away so they could adopt a Greyhound.  Now, that is a sacrifice, isn't it?  :)  The Mom wasn't too thrilled at his suggestion but it certainly was great fodder for a laugh or two!

I’d like to thank Kim Morris with Cody, Michelle and Jason Kroh with Maggie and Daisy, Kathy Marggraff and Dave Kundak with Zeus, and Judy and Bob Monti with Crenshaw and my Sami and Foster Miley for coming out on Saturday to help support the cause!

A big thanks also go to Phil Woodward with Foster Johnny, Norman McKenzie with Foster Chris, and Laura Lovell and Scott Keith with Venus and my Sami and Foster Miley for braving the potentially bad weather to come out on Sunday.  It was terribly windy but didn’t start sprinkling until we were packed up.  We were VERY lucky!!  Thanks to each of you for helping break down as well. I really appreciate it!

All in all it was a wonderful, fun-filled, busy weekend.  I expect we will receive an application or two as a result of our efforts.  How exciting for the potential adopters and equally so for Second Chance Greyhounds!

Be sure to keep an eye on our Events page for where we will be next and plan to join us!!